Tag: triangulation

  • Other Sources

    Vast amount of material published each day, from sources such as: newspapers magazines televisions radio reports Can be useful, e.g. looking into an historical event. Above sources unlikely to report anything useful with regards to computing research. If they do, most likely will be reported from academic publication, therefore should go to the source. Can…

  • The Internet (Web)

    Internet/Web not a source, only method of delivery. Need to identify where the information has come from before being available on the Internet. Example 1 – an academic paper you found via the Internet Archives such as those provided by IEEE and ACM make published academic papers available via the Internet. The paper will be…

  • Aspects of the Literature Review

    Should be well-argued & critical evaluation of particular subject. Should show width and depth of reading relevant and appropriate literature. Not sufficient to read two or three papers. Remember triangulation. Should focus clearly on particular issue being looked at. Should learn a lot about subject and will help give clearer focus on questions to ask.…

  • Triangulation

    Need significant body of evidence to support hypothesis. If taken from literature, read extensively around subject and gather wide range of correlative sources. If evidence is from own work, number of data sets required from different circumstances to ensure experiments/observations are repeatable. This approach is called triangulation – sets of evidence from various sources supporting…