Tag: ORA-19505

  • ORA-19502: write error on file

    Description: Adding a new tablespace threw the following Oracle error, the sql file contained the following statement: PROMPT Creating Tablespace TS_SCHMASK2 create tablespace TS_SCHMASK2 datafile ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK201.DBF’ SIZE 32000M REUSE autoextend on next 1000M, ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK202.DBF’ SIZE 32000M REUSE autoextend on next 1000M, ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK203.DBF’ SIZE 32000M REUSE autoextend on next 1000M, ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK204.DBF’ SIZE 20000M REUSE autoextend on next…