Tag: dynamic equilibrium

  • Emergence and Dynamic Equilibrium

    Emergence: Elements that should emerge are happy qualified students. Unintended potential elements that could emerge are failed students. Equilibrium: maintained by using feedback and control mechanisms discussed earlier. Additionally: organisation will continually match student numbers to staff continually review student fees against those charged by competitors Organisation will try and ensure system is in balance…

  • Dynamic Equilibrium

    Concept of system keeping itself in a steady state. Control and feedback loops provide inputs into this concept. Concept suggests system has management capabilities to maintain dynamic equilibrium. If dynamic equilibrium not maintained, system may cease to function or may function in a manner that does not meet purpose, objectives or goals. Example: British political…

  • Feedback

    Feedback is an important Systems Thinking concept, it allows systems to keep a balance, or equilibrium. A system produces output in the environment which have an affect on the environment. This effects are reported back to the system by inputs. This feedback mechanism allows the system to manage itself so it can stay in a…

  • Systems Introduction 

    Two approaches to systems understanding are: Reductionist- breaking problems into smaller pieces, and Holistic – the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts Systems thinking Process of understanding systems requires us to think in a systems manner Ability to think in terms of whole systems Software developers, and similar…