Tag: Boundary

  • Boundary and Environment

    See previous posts on Boundary and Environment. If system can control component/element it is inside boundary and part of system. If system cannot control component/element but has influence on system it is in environment and outside system. Boundary will be defined so that: Students – study activities inside boundary, social & personal life in environment.…

  • Hierarchy

    Hierarchy determines the graded levels of systems and sub-systems. Need to decide how many levels of hierarchy to analyse: too few results in any overly simplistic analysis resulting in interconnections and complexity being misunderstood too many results in any overly complicated analysis resulting in too much detail obscuring key interconnections Example: Consider a school as…

  • Boundary

    Identifies limits of the system. Definition of boundary relates directly to system’s purpose. Inside boundary are elements/components that make up system and are within system’s control. Outside boundary is environment and the elements/components that are outside of the system’s control. Elements/components both inside and outside boundary can be used as system inputs and can also be…