Day: 10 November 2016

  • Related work

    This is the literature review. Outlines what others have done – current knowledge in area.

  • Introduction

    Brief overview of subject area & context for research. Takes reader from current level of knowledge to be able to follow rest of paper. More comprehensive introduction required if target audience is more general reader.

  • Keywords

    Some publishers require the selection of keywords from a specified list so they can catalogue the paper appropriately, this is less common now due to the availability of full text search engines.

  • Split a filepath with PowerShell

    This is a relatively short post as the process is simple but may be required in more complex scenarios. $dirArray = (“C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA”).Split(‘\’) foreach ($dir in $dirArray) { $dir } By calling the Split function we get a zero-based array ($dirArray) containing each element of the supplied string based on the delimiter (‘\’).…