Day: 6 July 2016

  • Starting with NAnt

    As part of our build process we utilise NAnt scripts so I thought it would be useful (even just for my own purposes!) to make some notes as I get started with it. Firstly, we are using NAnt 0.90 which last modified in May 2010, it can be download from SourceForge, the most recent version,…

  • Open and close a process with Powershell

    Short script to open notepad.exe (can be any process you want to open) on either your local machine or a remote machine and then kill the process. Option 1 C:\PSTools\PsExec.exe cmd /c start notepad.exe Start-Sleep -s 10 C:\PSTools\PsKill.exe -accepteula notepad.exe Option 2 C:\PSTools\PsExec.exe notepad.exe Start-Sleep -s 10 C:\PSTools\PsKill.exe -accepteula notepad.exe Both options result in the…