Day: 22 June 2016

  • I’ve been pwned 🙁

    Just received an email through from Amazon telling me my password has been reset. Being a suspicious type I didn’t take their email as being genuine but as there were no links it seemed more plausible than not. So following this, I checked the very useful site “Have I been pwned?” and indeed some of…

  • Adding the date to a filename with Powershell

    Following on from my previous post, Write to a text file using Powershell, I found it useful to be able to include the date into the log filename. $LogFile =”C:\PsTools\Method01-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).log” $DateTime = Get-Date Write-Output $DateTime “Performing some operation” | Add-Content $LogFile You can see from this script that the date format will give…