Day: 30 January 2016

  • Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) stages 1 – 4

    Methodology supporting Soft Systems analysis developed by Checkland. Seven stages: The Problem Situation The Problem Situation expressed Root Definitions of relevant systems Building Conceptual Models Comparison of the expressed Problem Situation and the Conceptual Models Feasible and desired changes Action to improve the situation Stages 1 & 2 – obtaining rich expression of problem situation,…

  • Mess and Difficulty – Difficulty

    Ackoff defines difficulty as: Situation is bounded – possible to identify system(s) involved. Problem(s) easily identified. Possible solutions can be identified. Timescales are limited or predictable. Limited/known number of stakeholders and groups involved. Both Hard and Soft systems have a cycle/iterative approach. Hard systems go into maintenance and back to requirements. Soft systems continually analyse…

  • Mess and Difficulty – Mess

    Ackoffs mess & difficulty useful for deciding to take hard or soft approach. Mess: Unbounded -difficult to identify boundaries, concept of boundary important in defining system. Problem(s) are unclear. No visible solutions – relates to not knowing what problem is. Many stakeholders and groups therefore many perspectives. Timescales long term.