Year: 2015

  • The whole system design paradigm

    Whole system design incorporates sustainable design – design and development of systems to achieve: Consume natural resources within capacity for them to be regenerated Do not release/produce hazardous/polluting substances Avoid contributing to irreversible impacts on ecosystem Provide useful and socially acceptable benefits long term Cost-effective and produce reasonable rate of return on total life-cycle investment.…

  • Importance for sustainability 

    There is a good quote from the EPA website which can be accessed directly from here info.htm Sustainability – issue of concerns about social, environmental and economic consequences of rapid population growth, economic growth and resulting consumption of natural resources. Growth has been spurred by reductionist approach to development and scientific progress. Focused on…

  • Systems are important 

    The events reported on daily are parts of larger trends which are indicators of underlaying system structures. With that in mind, we are then able to manage, and live within, a world full of complex systems. Systems & sustainability A systems view becomes more important as we produce viable ways of dealing with societies and…

  • Systems Introduction 

    Two approaches to systems understanding are: Reductionist- breaking problems into smaller pieces, and Holistic – the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts Systems thinking Process of understanding systems requires us to think in a systems manner Ability to think in terms of whole systems Software developers, and similar…

  • How to Enable/Disable Archive Log Mode in Oracle 11g

    It is advisable to backup your database before either enabling or disabling archive log mode as a precaution. Enabling archive log mode Verify the current archive log mode. We can see that database log mode is “No Archive Mode”. Also worth noting is the destination used for archiving. In order to see where that location…

  • SQLTools: “OCI8: Cannot allocate OCI handle” when starting

    When starting SQLTools, a colleague was getting an error message “OCI8: Cannot allocate OCI handle”. Helping to investigate this, I found some guidance on the web with suggestions such as: Run the app with Administrator privileges Delete the OCI.DLL Oracle DLL from the Windows directory Neither of the above worked (the OCI.DLL wasn’t even present in my…

  • SnipIT No 4: Run an Oracle SQL script from DOS prompt

    SnipIT is a series of short blogs containing useful information in an easily digestible format. To run an Oracle SQL script file from a DOS prompt (Command Line) you execute sqlplus passing credentials and the database name along with the script to run. @sqlplus.exe <username>/<password>@<database name> @<script filename> @sqlplus.exe scott/tiger@testdb @browseUser.sql Additionally, you can pass…

  • ORA-19502: write error on file

    Description: Adding a new tablespace threw the following Oracle error, the sql file contained the following statement: PROMPT Creating Tablespace TS_SCHMASK2 create tablespace TS_SCHMASK2 datafile ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK201.DBF’ SIZE 32000M REUSE autoextend on next 1000M, ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK202.DBF’ SIZE 32000M REUSE autoextend on next 1000M, ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK203.DBF’ SIZE 32000M REUSE autoextend on next 1000M, ‘/data/oradata/FTEST2/TS_SCHMASK204.DBF’ SIZE 20000M REUSE autoextend on next…

  • How to identify the ports used by a Windows process

    If you have several services running on your Windows server you may need to check which ports they are using in order to prevent or resolve any conflicts. The first step is to obtain a list of the ports being used, this can be carried out by opening a Command Prompt and executing netstat.exe and the…

  • How to identify the Tablespace names from an EXPDP file

    If you have been given a datapump dump file to import you may not have been given the export log file or a list of schemas and tablespaces contained in that file. Fortunately all is not lost, datapump provides an option to create a text-based file containing the SQL DDL statements used to import the file…